Collection: ESTA Courses - Tea & Botanicals

We proudly represent The European Specialty Tea Association, an organization who facilitates connections between professionals from tea gardens to specialists along the tea value chain. Events and networks are inclusive, insightful and nurturing.

ESTA provides an unique source of inspiration and new ideas for managers, product developers and trainers helping them create an even stronger foundation for their companies.

The Tea Certification programme:

·       Will be delivered by our licensed partners, Authorised Tea Certifiers. They can be individual educators, tea schools or academies, or work for a company. Coffea School is the first School in the United States to provide certified ESTA courses.

·       The Authorised Tea Certifiers will issue ESTA certificates which, as the programme grows, will become recognised throughout the tea industry as authoritative and synonymous with quality. It is expected that employers will refer to ESTA certification to help them recruit, and individuals will use certification to help their career progression

·       The attainment of a certificate will also carry points for the student which when accumulated will help attain the ESTA Diploma

·       Apart from the first module, Introduction to Tea, all subjects will be taught and certified at three levels, foundation, intermediate and advanced

For more information read our brochure